Daily Announcement

Daily Bulletin for Friday, January 24, 2025




Bosco Sticks

Green Beans


Teacher Information:


Morning Greeters for next week:

Mr. Dissen: Counselor’s Office Entrance

Ms. Gump: South Entrance (by Library)

Coach Griffin: Commons Exit to Patio


Student Information:


The girl’s and boy’s wrestling teams have a meet today at Hickman.


The sign up list for the Run Crew for the Spring Production of Almost, Maine is outside of Mr. King’s room.  If you are wanting to be a part of the crew, please sign up by Friday, January 31st.  Any questions, please see Mr. King.


Baseball open gym calendars are available in the main office.


Students remember if you have lunch money please turn it in to the Main Office before 3rd hour.


Guidance Office Information: